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Make a Gift Where It’s Most Needed

Your gift to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange matters because it helps sustain our ministries and care for our retired Sisters.  Thank you for standing with us in tearing down walls that divide and building bridges that unite in local neighborhoods and around the world.


Mother Bernard Legacy Society

Your personal goals and needs are unique and often change.  Legacy planning creates a future of hope. Through careful long-term planning, you can extend Jesus’ compassion and mercy to those in need, fortify and sustain the work the Sisters do, while maximizing benefits to you.


For information about how to include the Sisters in your charitable giving click the link below or contact:


Julie Malvey

(714) 744-3121


CSJ Shelter for Refugee Families

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange strive to help our brothers and sisters caught up in forced migration and the confusing processes to legally find a home.  We collaborate with faith-based networks to house families at undisclosed locations via the CSJ Shelter for Refugee Families.  Your contribution assists in expenses such as housing, food, clothing, medical, insurance, legal fees and school expenses.  Thank you for helping your brothers and sisters in need.

Image by Levi Meir Clancy

Your gift to the Center for Spiritual Development (CSD) can be directed to several categories including, scholarships for those unable to afford the tuition for the initial and ongoing formation of spiritual directors, scholarships to attend a program or to have an overnight retreat, or support the global outreach program to address the formation needs of indigenous women in Africa.  Please visit the Center for Spiritual Development’s Make a Gift page or click below and use the optional drop down menu to make a gift in one or several of these areas of need.


Your gift to the CSJ Educational Network will empower school leaders to form students as proactive instruments of unity and reconciliation in the Church and a global society. The Network works to extend and foster the teaching ministry of Jesus in the tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange by nurturing and supporting relationships that influence Catholic education.

Teacher & Student

Your gift to the St. Joseph the Worker Program matters.  Local health clinics, food banks, homeless shelters and job training sites serve the needs of the marginalized and the poor.  With you alongside us offering financial support, these vital programs can afford the $12,000 annual sponsorship cost for a talented St. Joseph Worker.


The St. Joseph Justice Center models creative collaboration, locally and globally, to promote the common good and protect our common home through advocacy, prayer, action and service.  Your generosity helps support these efforts which are often shared with the community at no cost.  Thank you!

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