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Who We Are

Our Mission

The mission of all Sisters of St. Joseph is a participation in the mission of Jesus: to bring all people into union with God and with one another, serving them according to their needs and their own various gifts, in all the spiritual and corporal works of mercy that may be within the power of the congregation.


Our History

The history of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange spans more than 350 years. The humble women of today often comment about standing on the shoulders of the sisters who came before them. This is a brief glimpse of their story.​

Our Spirituality

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange are called to identify with the self-emptying love and obedience of Jesus Christ. It is in being drawn into the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection that we die to self and live in God and for others. We are also called to develop a deep relationship with the Persons of the Trinity and with Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

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